
Showing posts from October, 2017

Motion Picture Academy Ousts Harvey Weinstein Amid Sexual Misconduct Allegations

Motion Picture Academy Ousts Harvey Weinstein Amid Sexual Misconduct Allegations The trouble we see here is all too common, and these women do not deserve this type of degrading action performed against them without their permission, such as those rendered by Mr Weinstein against his victims...

The Coming Software Apocalypse - The Atlantic

The Coming Software Apocalypse And so it will, as it already has...

Dakota 38 · Native American Heritage · Disqus

Dakota 38 · Native American Heritage · Disqus

Dakota 38 · Native American Heritage · Disqus

Native American Heritage It doesn’t seem to matter when or where one lived in our History.  Rough and hard days like war seems to always be a companion of the times with many innocent lives taken...

Bruce Springsteen Is on Broadway, Producing Sheer Musical Magic

Bruce Springsteen Is on Broadway, Producing Sheer Musical Magic Great talent and have enjoyed his music for years...

Report: North Korea says Trump has 'lit the wick of war' - AOL News

North Korea Says Trump Has Lit The Wick of War Tick of war sounds like a lot of bogus which these North Korean's found in an old American comic magazine, and haven't even any idea as to why wars have been fought their since it's creation as a country...

Reports: 15 dead as destructive wildfires strand thousands in California

15 Dead as Destructive Wildfires Strand Thousands in California The hot dry winds are such a deadly weapon with the resulting fires, are every bit of a cause of loss in human live's and property IE..., as are the other major natural events that have occurred just in the last few months such as the hurricanes, rains, tornado's, and the earthquakes plus much more under the radar that are not massive enough in scope to be reported by the media. Of course the daily averages do not indicate that which may really be going on with mother nature and the other events...

Baylor Romney signed with Nevada out of high school but is excited to be a BYU Cougar now

Baylor Romney Signed With Nevada Out of High School But is Excited to Be a BYU Cougar Now Baylor Romney is one of those hidden gems all recruiters look for, and because baylor went on a two year Mormon Mission he is now way under the radar, however when he is back in top shape again he will absolutely dazzle the College Football World.